The Power and Energy Systems Research Laboratory is a multidisciplinary center focused on carrying out leading-edge research, developing collaborative partnerships, and educating highly qualified graduate students in the areas of power and energy systems. The mission of the Power and Energy Systems Research Laboratory is to address the sophisticated power and energy systems issues at an infrastructural level through fundamental research, industry collaboration, and education, both locally and worldwide. Different model-based methods are used to investigate the control, operation, protection, dynamics, planning, reliability, and security of the power and energy systems. Under its strategic vision, the Power and Energy Systems Research Laboratory is comprehensively focusing on modern problems in power and energy systems, including renewable energy resources integration, demand response, power quality improvement, load forecasting, market operations, energy conversion, and cyber-physical security.
The Power and Energy Systems Research Laboratory applies several tools for power and energy systems analysis (generation, transmission, and distribution). Among them are powerful software packages, such as DIgSILENT PowerFactory, ETAP, PSCAD, EasyPower, NEPlan, and PSIM, which are used extensively in national and international research projects with industrial and academic partners. Open source tools, such as OpenModelica, are alternative tools applied for the development of user-defined models and controllers. These tools are used in combination with MATLAB, Python, Fortran, and C++, to create highly automated and integrated solutions for modeling, simulation, and data processing, as well as to allow the application of the most powerful state-of-the-art algorithms for the assessment of system performance and design of control and protection schemes.
When the individual tools reach their limits, Power and Energy Systems Research Laboratory combines them into co-simulations. Using co-simulation, problems larger in size and scope, such as the integration of many distributed renewable resources, or the problems that are spanning across multi-energy carriers, such as the integration of electricity and heat networks, can be addressed.
The up-to-date schedule of the Power and Energy Systems Research Laboratory can be found here: PESRLAB-Calendar